So, something interesting is I thought I was an experiment and everyone knew about me.
In the end, I thought that people weren't real and stopped communicating to me altogether for maybe a few years if I count.
Then, I wonder even if people think about me, at all. I always feel they're talking. So, I went to Southeastern Florida, and the cars there seemed to speak, as well. I haven't been out to see if people knew about me more specifically, at sight. It is amazing going along the road here with all the cars roaring back, with your ear plugs, thinking they're all talking, saying something. Since majoring in music and the experiment, I think every sound is like a word. So, that's over 5 years. Also, in bed, I heard a real sound. I assume it was planted in me, like influenced, and it could have been real. It sounded other-worldly, 1 sound, like a figment dragon. I was feeling dead, like I was nothing, from seeing The Hobbit. I even wonder if some of the people were talking to some people who knew about me. So, I saw other movies, like The Expendables ... 3? and I mean that was different, I think. I just think that people used to be really racist. Well, they still are difficult.
Well, all people here seem to know about me is thoughts of my future daughter and maybe son and like what I'm doing, like am I watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." It seems to travel around the store. It's quite natural. Well, the people here are pretty crazy, in my opinion. I have a way of thinking of what people are literally doing. I guess you could almost say people seem to turn to monsters. Well, before, seeing from my early blogs, 2010, they seemed pretty mean, the cars going by were all racist, but I got used to it staying here longer. I could barely make out words, at that point. It was kinda like sorta like a miracle but seemed hard and a bit like taxing. I would quickly write it down. Now, I have a noisemaker and earplugs. xp Tired going back to bed I think. I've been waking up a little crazy since hitting my head. I know that can kill you.