I never gave you permission to tell my mom to wear glasses. So, did Tim Burton do it? It didn't just happen. Otherwise, it might seem natural, like, maybe, she was going to wear glasses, anyway.
Also, why should her eyes get more fair? Don't mutter Nell Burton, or you're stupid! Did you hear that! You're worthless. You're shit. That doesn't mean anything against poor little Nell, of whom you don't give any cares for. Well, I mean, I guess you'd hope in the spirit of things that it would mean something. Then, you'd realize no one should do that for her. She probably thoroughly enjoys but is uselessly reprimanded. I don't see that as the new forced protocol. That's a niggerish idea, really, a rushed, forced idea. If you are of ill intent, don't control anything. Don't ask me if I want to feel good or not. What are you gonna do, make someone else feel good? Just because you're ticked off? Who do you think you are? The police took me to the mental hospital for letting my anger out like anyone else, not in a way people might mostly do every day. Try to get by my dad because he won't admit anything and acts like it's my fault and he's copying me. I'm not mean like that, and I'm always willing to learn. That also just reminds me of certain aspects of my personality and it is the result of racism and his flaws. See, I'm right. I didn't do anything wrong. This happened to me for doing poorly in school. Too bad I am not the daughter of nice, rich parents.. :| Why is Tim Burton encouraging more tweens? He shouldn't do that! He's already ransacked me around. How? I get insulting messages, and then supposedly it's just my dad's fault.
What is Ellen DeGeneres's problem? Look, I'm not a mean person, and I'm not low like Helena Bonham Carter. Leave us alone. I don't care about your show. I already did the right thing, and I don't actually dis it. So, quit acting like I do just by saying I am someone. Your show does not state it's against public access to some. It's unfriendly. I don't want to go on like no tomorrow that my mom gets glasses because I started to watch your show when I was 25. I also don't want constant insulting clicks in my room because of calling Nell Burton a nigger. I mean, what's the big idea? What ticks? I thought her mom wanted me to do it, and then I thought I was in an experiment and was told to do it. So, you think calling someone a nigger means you should be tortured? Aren't you Jewish? I'm not anti-Jewish, so you're just being suggestive and trying to tell me I do things I don't actually do nor think to do. Can you even get that? Or are you just copying Tim Burton's portrayal of Helena Bonham Carter? Because I don't need to do it.